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Debug Script


ckb-debugger is a standalone debugger CLI tool enabling off-chain contract development.


cargo install --git ckb-debugger


ckb-debugger 0.113.0

ckb-debugger [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --mode <mode> --tx-file <tx-file> [args]...

-h, --help Prints help information
--prompt Set to true to prompt for stdin input before executing
--step Set to true to enable step mode, where we print PC address for each instruction
-V, --version Prints version information

--bin <bin> File used to replace the binary denoted in the script
-i, --cell-index <cell-index> Index of cell to run
-t, --cell-type <cell-type> Type of cell to run [possible values: input, output]
--decode <decode> Decode RISC-V instruction
--dump-file <dump-file> Dump file name
--gdb-listen <gdb-listen> Address to listen for GDB remote debugging server
--gdb-specify-depth <gdb-specify-depth> Specifies the depth of the exec/spawn stack [default: 0]
--max-cycles <max-cycles> Max cycles [default: 70000000]
--mode <mode>
Execution mode of debugger [default: full] [possible values: full, fast, gdb, probe, gdb_gdbstub]

--pprof <pprof> Performance profiling, specify output file for further use
--read-file <read-file>
Read content from local file or stdin. Then feed the content to syscall in scripts

-s, --script-group-type <script-group-type> Script group type [possible values: lock, type]
--script-hash <script-hash> Script hash
--script-version <script-version> Script version [default: 2]
--skip-end <skip-end> End address to skip printing debug info
--skip-start <skip-start> Start address to skip printing debug info
-f, --tx-file <tx-file> Filename containing JSON formatted transaction dump



1. Execute Transactions Locally

We can download a on-chain transaction from the network and execute it locally. To download a transaction, use ckb-cli:

$ ckb-cli --url mock-tx dump --tx-hash 0x5f0a4162622daa0e50b2cf8f49bc6ece22d1458d96fc12a094d6f074d6adbb55 --output-file mock_tx.json

You can execute the lock script or type script in the transaction:

$ ckb-debugger --tx-file mock_tx.json --cell-index 0 --cell-type input --script-group-type lock

Run result: 0
Total cycles consumed: 1697297(1.6M)
Transfer cycles: 12680(12.4K), running cycles: 1684617(1.6M)

The option --bin gives ckb-debugger a chance to "replace" the script, We try to replace the running code in the transaction above with a new version of the lock.

// always_failure.c
int main() {
return 1;
$ ckb-debugger --tx-file mock_tx.json --cell-index 0 --cell-type input --script-group-type lock --bin always_failure

Run result: 1
Total cycles consumed: 1706(1.7K)
Transfer cycles: 764, running cycles: 942

2. Debug Failed Transactions

In most case, you want to debug failed transactions instead of successful one to find out the failed reasons.

First, let's dump the transaction into a local file. Assume that you are using Lumos SDK to build the transaction, you can do this by converting the txSkeleton type into a json file:

> let txJson = rpc.paramsFormatter.toRawTransaction(lumos.helpers.createTransactionFromSkeleton(txSkeleton))
> fs.writeFileSync('failed-tx.json', JSON.stringify(txJson, null, 2))

Second, you will need ckb-transaction-dumper to convert the failed-tx.json to a dump transaction with its surrounding context info:

$ ckb-transaction-dumper -t failed-tx.json -o full-failed-tx.json -r <mainnet/testnet/devnet RPC url>

Now let's try debugging the Script, remember to replace the actual cell-type and cell-index in the following command:

$ ckb-debugger --tx-file full-failed-tx.json --cell-index 0 --cell-type output --script-group-type type

3. Debug Script with GDB

We can use ckb-debugger for debugging Script programs using GDB.

Assume the Script is a fib.c file:

int fib(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == 1) {
return n;
} else {
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

int main() {
if (fib(5) != 5) {
return 1;
return 0;

After compiling the fib.c to riscv binary fib, we can debug this Script in GDB mode:

$ ckb-debugger --mode gdb --gdb-listen --bin fib
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb fib

$ (gdb) target remote
$ (gdb) b fib
$ (gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, fib (n=5) at fib.c:2

At the Breakpoint 1, we learn that fib (n=5) at fib.c:2.

4. Profiling data With Flamegraph Visualization Tool

We can use ckb-debugger to profile data in the format expected by the flamegraph visualization tool.

$ ckb-debugger --bin fib --pprof fib.pprof

To convert the textual representation of a flamegraph to a visual one, first install inferno:

$ cargo install inferno

Then, pass the file created by ckb-debugger into inferno-flamegraph:

$ cat fib.pprof | inferno-flamegraph > fib.svg

Open the svg:
